Porn Yoga is a more pleasurable way of masturbating with porn. Porn Yoga frees you from sexual habits and supports you in new ways of being sexual. Porn Yoga makes use of the “porn high,” allowing you to play with sexual arousal and integrate profound and meaningful changes into your body, relationships and your life. Porn Yoga is NOT about doing traditional yoga postures while watching porn. Instead, you learn effective erotic practices that help you pay attention to your body, so that you can fully feel and enjoy the pleasures and sensations of masturbating with porn.
What is Hands Free Porn Yoga?
Hands-free Porn Yoga involves moving and thrusting into an anchored Fleshlight or vibrator. The hands, liberated from genital stimulation, can now touch and play with all parts of the body. This practice disrupts chronic chest tension and enables feelings of freedom, openness and ease of breathing.
Traditional masturbation produces patterns of tension in the muscles of the arms and upper torso. These muscle constrictions limit our sexual expression, especially our orgasms. In hands-free Porn Yoga, these habitual tensions in the upper body don’t occur. Because of this newfound relaxation, hands-free masturbation is a whole new way of experiencing sex.
Porn Yoga as Sex Education
Your erotic growth and learning from Porn Yoga takes place during and after your own personal practice sessions. Watching the Porn Yoga demonstration videos on this website can inspire you or give you suggestions for your practice, but the most powerful learning occurs while you are doing Porn Yoga.
Profound embodied learning takes place when you repeat a practice mindfully over time, as individuals do in traditional yoga practice. Conscious repetition is how humans learn sex. Thus, the yoga model of education is central for erotic learning.
The best sexual experiences are similar to musical jam sessions where you bring your instrument to improvise music with others. Of course, the best musicians, like the best lovers, practice regularly so they are skillful, confident and fun to play with.
Porn Yoga practice helps you to be a better lover. In other words, Porn Yoga offers powerful opportunities to learn to regulate and play with your sexual arousal.
Getting Started with Porn Yoga
The intention of this practice is pay more attention to your pleasure-filled body as you masturbate to porn. The most effective way to do this is to watch porn standing up. This simple shift of body position allows you to move easily while interrupting limiting habits. Remember to keep your knees slightly bent.
After experiencing the pleasurable benefits from standing, most individuals are eager to experiment with other embodied practices. Include new Porn Yoga practices into your sessions slowly. Feeling comfortable with a practice may take a few sessions.
Story of Porn Yoga
As a Sexological Bodyworker, Joseph Kramer knows the importance of listening to and involving the body in all of his day to day activities. About fifteen years ago, he started watching porn. He quickly realized that porn captured his attention and that he was forgetting to enjoy his own body. Porn Yoga evolved from his conscious decision to involve his body more in his porn watching. Many Sexological Bodyworkers worldwide offer coaching in this embodied approach to watching sex films.
In 2015, Joseph committed to sharing Porn Yoga practices on video. He sent an invitation to his somatically aware colleagues that he was seeking to coach people who enjoyed masturbating to porn. Most of the people responding where Sexological Bodyworkers, some of whom were already practicing and teaching Porn Yoga. After each online coaching session, each person filmed five solo practice sessions and five reflection journals. These videos were immediately uploaded to Joseph’s Dropbox, so he could watch them before the next coaching session. The participants agreed that their filmed sessions could be shared with others who were learning this practice. In fact, all participants were paid for their involvement in this coaching process. That’s right. They were paid for masturbating to porn.
A special thanks to the following individuals whose brilliant Porn Yoga sessions you will see in these online classes:
Danča (Prague, Czech Republic), Lana Blue (Melbourne, Australia) Peter (Bratislava, Slovakia), Shiva Om (Berlin, Germany), Jack (San Francisco, USA), Cordelia (Sacramento, USA), Andy (San Francisco, USA), Wa Ama (Oakland, USA), Elijiah (Oakland, USA), Will Ray (Louisville, USA), Rob*in (Münster, Germany), Cunha (Sao Paulo, Brazil), Drew (London, UK), Svitlana (Prague, Czech Republic), JoJo DeRodrigo (SF Bay Area, USA), Maggie (Boulder, USA), Philip Deal (Boston, USA), Greg (Dublin, Ireland), Bonobo (Brighton, UK).