What is Embodied Porn Watching?
When watching porn, we often forget our bodies. This forgetting happens even when we are sexually aroused! The free instructional videos on this website demonstrate more embodied and pleasurable ways of watching porn.
Millions of people worldwide use online porn to make sexual arousal quick, efficient, and effortless. Porn can expand our ideas of what is erotically possible and help us get in touch with our own sexuality. Much of the time, however, porn so grabs our attention that we forget to enjoy our own body.
Embodied Porn Watching is about fully feeling and enjoying the pleasures of your own sensuous body. These easy-to-learn practices involve movement, breathing, touch and placement of your attention. Sometimes called Porn Yoga or Healthy Porn Watching, Embodied Porn Watching helps you pay attention to your body as you masturbate to porn.
These practices are not intended to replace or eliminate your tried and true methods of self-pleasuring. Instead, Embodied Porn Watching suggests new and different ways of pleasuring yourself and guides you in making optimal use of the sexual arousal you generate from watching porn. Although Embodied Porn Watching is intended for people who enjoy watching porn, the practices we recommend can enhance solo sex either with or without porn.